I am back, to my favourite blogging and coding, after years of struggle.
I attempted Amazon, with my university classmate, but failed! I also tried Food Wholesale, with my middle school classmates, and that venture failed as well.
It seems that entrepreneurship isn’t the right fit for me.
I returned to work, as an E-Commerce operations manager, in a factory, producing pet backpacks.
Through meditation and learning in this factory, I’ve discovered why I failed in recent years, identifying my weaknesses, my bottlenecks, and so on.
Despite my losses, I still have my wife, my lovely daughters, my friends, and most importantly, my health.
Life is full of hope, it definitely.
I found myself stuck in the Middle Income Trap, dealing with a heavy mortgage and declining income, much like many Chinese these days.
I’m not interested in politics, but I believe we’ll make it through the crisis.
No complaints, nor frustrations, cause those I love and who love me, are still happy and health.
Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring, so I’ll focus on doing what I should today.
Life is tough, but the heart is sweet.
Every smile and frown of my daughter, fills me with happiness and vatality.
As a father, I won’t give up, I’ll pick up my emotion and carry on.
Cheer up, my dears.
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