挂载ntfs:mount -t ntfs-3g -o nls=utf8,umask=000 /dev/sda5 mount/
生成启动文件:1. 确定grub的位置,最好先执行grub-install /dev/sda6.
2. 生成启动文件:dd if=/dev/sda6 of=linuxboot.lnx count=1
如果apache+svn频繁出现Permission denied,且确认与访问权限无关,那么肯定Selinux的问题。修改/etc/selinux/config中SELINUX的值为disabled即可。
“su” is equiv “su root” and “su -” equiv “su – root”
the diff between “su” and “su -” is “su -” you log in as a root withthe env setting/profile (i.e you really log in as a root). just type”pwd” and you will be in the root home dir @ /root.
if you “su” only then basically you just “borrow” the root permissionwithout having all the root env setting/profile . just “su” from yourhome dir and type “pwd”, you can see that you still in the user dir i.e/home/user
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